{ "basePath": "https://api6.ibmmarketingcloud.com/rest", "resourcePath": "/databases", "apis": [ { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/contacts/{contactid}/messages", "description": "Retrieves the messages for the given Contact in the given Database", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "CONTACT MESSAGES API:
Retrieves the messages for the given Contact in the given Database", "notes": "Retrieves the messages", "nickname": "databases-contacts-messages-get", "responseClass": "ContactMessage", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID of the Contact Database", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "contactId", "description": "ID or key specification of the Contact for which messages are required", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/contacts", "description": "Contacts in a given Database", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "POST", "summary": "CONTACT API:
Creates a Contact in a given Database", "notes": "", "nickname": "databases-contacts-post", "responseClass": "long", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID of the Database in which a Contact should be created", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "contactData", "description": "Contact data", "dataType": "ContactInput", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/contacts", "description": "A Contact in a given Database", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "CONTACT BY LOOKUP KEY API:
Retrieves data for Contact(s) with the given lookup key filter(s) from the Database", "notes": "Use this API to retrieve contact representation(s) from a given databaseId for the given lookup key filter(s)", "nickname": "databases-contacts-get", "responseClass": "Contact", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID of the Database from which to return a Contact", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "query", "name": "filter", "description": "Contact lookup key filter(s) (e.g., lookupkeyfields=FieldName1=value;FieldName2=value)", "dataType": "string", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/contacts/{contactId}", "description": "A Contact in a given Database", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "CONTACT API:
Retrieves the Contacts with the given ID from the Database", "notes": "Use this API retrieve a contact representation for a given databaseId and contactId", "nickname": "databases-contacts-get", "responseClass": "Contact", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID of the Database from which to return a Contact", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "contactId", "description": "ID or key specification of the Contact to return", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] }, { "httpMethod": "PATCH", "summary": "CONTACT API:
Updates the Contact with the given contactId in the Database with the given databaseId", "notes": "Use this API update a Contact with the given data", "nickname": "databases-contacts-patch", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID of the Database containing the Contact to update", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "contactId", "description": "ID of the Contact to update", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "contactData", "description": "Contact data", "dataType": "ContactInput", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/contactbylookupkey", "description": "Upserting contact using lookup key", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "PATCH", "summary": "CONTACT BY LOOKUP KEY API:
Updates the Contact with the given contact data using lookup key pair", "notes": "Use this API to upsert a Contact with the given data", "nickname": "databases-contactbylookupkey-patch", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID of the Database containing the Contact to update", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "ContactUpsertSpecification", "description": "Contact Upsert Specification data", "dataType": "ContactUpsertSpecification", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/contactbychannel", "description": "upsert a contact using channel consent data", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "PATCH", "summary": "CONTACT BY CHANNEL API:
Add or update a contact with the given channel data.", "notes": "Use this API to upsert a Contact with the given channel data", "nickname": "databases-contactbychannel-patch", "responseClass": "ContactInfo", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID for the database enabled for SMS or Push", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "ContactByChannelSpecification", "description": "Contact by Channel Specification data", "dataType": "contactByChannelSpecification", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/contactbychannel/contacts/{contactId}", "description": "Update a contact using channel consent and contact data", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "PATCH", "summary": "CONTACT BY CHANNEL UPDATE API:
Update a contact using the given contactId and channel data.", "notes": "Use this API to update a Contact with the given channel data and contactId", "nickname": "databases-contactbychannelupdatecontact-patch", "responseClass": "ContactInfo", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID for the database enabled for SMS or Push", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "contactId", "description": "ID of the Contact to update for SMS or Push", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "ContactByChannelSpecification", "description": "Contact by Channel Specification data", "dataType": "contactByChannelSpecification", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/eventtypemappings", "description": "Mappings of Universal Behavior Event Types to a given Database", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "EVENT TYPE MAPPINGS API:
Returns the Event Type Mappings to a given Database", "notes": "", "nickname": "databases-eventtypemappings-get", "responseClass": "DatabaseEventTypeMapping", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID of the Database for which Event Type Mappings should be returned", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/crmcampaignmembers/", "description": "Upserts contacts into a Crm Campaign", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "PUT", "summary": "CRM CAMPAIGN MEMBERS API:
Creates or updates a record in a Crm campaign for a given contact, databaseId and crmCampaignKey", "notes": "", "nickname": "databases-put", "responseClass": "long", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID of the Database that contains the contact for the crm campaign record to be upserted", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "crmCampaignData", "description": "Crm campaign data", "dataType": "crmCampaignMember", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path":"/databases/{databaseId}/consent/{channel}-{qualifier}/{destination}", "description":"Gets the consent (opted in or opted out) for a destination - an abstraction that currently is identified by an SMS phone number or Mobile User Id|Mobile Channel Id.", "operations":[ { "httpMethod":"GET", "summary":"CHANNEL CONSENT API:
Get the consent value for a given database, channel, qualifier, and destination.", "notes":"", "nickname":"consent-get", "responseClass":"consentData", "parameters":[ { "paramType":"path", "name":"databaseId", "description":"ID for the database enabled for SMS or Push", "dataType":"long", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"channel", "description":"SMS or Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"qualifier", "description":"Text to Join Program ID for SMS; AppKey for Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"destination", "description":"SMS phone number for SMS; Mobile User ID|Mobile Channel ID for Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false } ] }, { "httpMethod":"PUT", "summary":"CHANNEL CONSENT API:
Update the consent value for a given database, channel, qualifier, and destination.", "notes":"", "nickname":"consent-put", "responseClass":"ContactId", "parameters":[ { "paramType":"path", "name":"databaseId", "description":"ID for the database enabled for SMS or Push", "dataType":"long", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"channel", "description":"SMS or Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"qualifier", "description":"Text to Join Program ID for SMS; AppKey for Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"destination", "description":"SMS phone number for SMS; Mobile User ID|Mobile Channel ID for Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"body", "name":"consentData", "description":"Consent data", "dataType":"consentDataWithAttributes", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false } ] } ] }, { "path":"/databases/{databaseId}/consent/{channel}-{qualifier}/{destination}/{contactId}", "description":"Gets the consent (opted in or opted out) for a destination - an abstraction that currently is identified by an SMS phone number or Mobile User Id|Mobile Channel Id.", "operations":[ { "httpMethod":"GET", "summary":"CHANNEL CONSENT API:
Get the consent value for a given database, channel, qualifier, destination, and contact.", "notes":"", "nickname":"consent-get", "responseClass":"consentData", "parameters":[ { "paramType":"path", "name":"databaseId", "description":"ID for the database enabled for SMS or Push", "dataType":"long", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"channel", "description":"SMS or Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"qualifier", "description":"Text to Join Program ID for SMS; AppKey for Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"destination", "description":"SMS phone number for SMS; Mobile User ID|Mobile Channel ID for Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"contactId", "description":"ID of the contact to update SMS or Push", "dataType":"long", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false } ] }, { "httpMethod":"PUT", "summary":"CHANNEL CONSENT API:
Update the consent value for a given database, channel, qualifier, destination and contact.", "notes":"", "nickname":"consent-put", "responseClass":"ContactId", "parameters":[ { "paramType":"path", "name":"databaseId", "description":"ID for the database enabled for SMS or Push", "dataType":"long", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"channel", "description":"SMS or Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"qualifier", "description":"Text to Join Program ID for SMS; AppKey for Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"destination", "description":"SMS phone number for SMS; Mobile User ID|Mobile Channel ID for Push", "dataType":"String", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"path", "name":"contactId", "description":"ID of the contact to update SMS or Push", "dataType":"long", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false }, { "paramType":"body", "name":"consentData", "description":"Consent data", "dataType":"consentDataWithAttributes", "required":true, "allowMultiple":false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/contactbychannel/{channel}-{qualifier}/{destination}", "description": "Gets contact using channel consent data", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "CONTACT BY CHANNEL API:
Get the contact for a given database, channel, qualifier and destination.", "notes": "", "nickname": "databases-contactbychannel-get", "responseClass": "Contact", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID for the database enabled for SMS or Push", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "channel", "description": "SMS or Push", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "qualifier", "description": "Text to Join Program ID for SMS; AppKey for Push", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "destination", "description": "SMS phone number for SMS; Mobile User ID|Mobile Channel ID for Push", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/establishidentity/{channel}-{qualifier}/{destination}", "description": "Establishes identity of a contact by updating or merging with existing contact with matching consent.", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "PUT", "summary": "ESTABLISH IDENTITY API:
Update or merge contact with existing contact matching consent.", "notes": "", "nickname": "establishidentity-put", "responseClass": "WinnerIdentity", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "ID for the database enabled for SMS or Push", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "channel", "description": "SMS or Push", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "qualifier", "description": "Text to Join Program ID for SMS; AppKey for Push", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "destination", "description": "SMS phone number for SMS; Mobile User ID|Mobile Channel ID for Push", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "EstablishIdentitySpecification", "description": "Establish Identity Specification data", "dataType": "establishIdentitySpecification", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/lookupkeys/{database field name}", "description": "Create, get or delete lookup key(s) for a database.", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "PUT", "summary": "LOOKUP KEYS API:
Create a lookup key for a database field.", "notes": "The lookup key's info will be returned, if it is successfully created or already exists. The lookup key cannot be used until it reaches an ACTIVE status.", "nickname": "lookupkeys-put", "responseClass": "lookupKey", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "Database ID for a database with no unique identifier.", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "database field name", "description": "Name of the field that you want to create a lookup key for.", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "Request Body", "description": "No data is required in the request body. Just provide a blank json.", "dataType": "emptyBody", "required": false, "allowMultiple": false } ] }, { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "LOOKUP KEYS API:
Get the lookup key for a database field.", "notes": "The lookup key's info will be returned, if it exists. The lookup key cannot be used until it reaches an ACTIVE status.", "nickname": "lookupkeys-get", "responseClass": "lookupKey", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "Database ID", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "database field name", "description": "Name of the database field.", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] }, { "httpMethod": "DELETE", "summary": "LOOKUP KEYS API:
Delete the lookup key for a database field.", "notes": "The lookup key will be deleted, if allowed.", "nickname": "lookupkeys-delete", "responseClass": "", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "Database ID", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "path", "name": "database field name", "description": "Name of the database field.", "dataType": "String", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/lookupkeys", "description": "View all lookup keys for this database", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "LOOKUP KEYS API:
Get all the lookup keys for this database. A lookup key cannot be used until it reaches an ACTIVE status.", "notes": "", "nickname": "lookupkeys-getall", "responseClass": "lookupKeys", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "Database ID", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/gdpr_access", "description": "Submit a GDPR Access job.", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "POST", "summary": "GDPR ACCESS API:
Submit a GDPR Access job and obtain the GDPR job id.", "notes": "", "nickname": "gdpr-access", "responseClass": "GdprJobSubmissionResult", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "Database ID", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "Identifier Data", "description": "Provide the identifier name and identifier value in csv format. Select \"text/csv\" option from the \"parameter content type\" drop down below.", "dataType": "text/csv", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] }, { "path": "/databases/{databaseId}/gdpr_erasure", "description": "Submit a GDPR Erasure job.", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "POST", "summary": "GDPR ERASURE API:
Submit a GDPR Erasure job and obtain the GDPR job id.", "notes": "", "nickname": "gdpr-erasure", "responseClass": "GdprJobSubmissionResult", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "databaseId", "description": "Database ID", "dataType": "long", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false }, { "paramType": "body", "name": "Identifier Data", "description": "Provide the identifier name and identifier value in csv format. Select \"text/csv\" option from the \"parameter content type\" drop down below.", "dataType": "text/csv", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false } ] } ] } ], "models": { "crmCampaignMember": { "properties": { "crmCampaignKey": { "type": "String", "description": "A Crm campaign's unique identifier" }, "crmCampaignStatus": { "type": "String", "description": "The status of a Crm campaign" }, "contactId": { "type": "long", "description": "The uniuqe identifier for a contact in a Crm campaign" } } }, "contactByChannelSpecification": { "properties": { "channel": { "type": "channelData", "required": true, "description": "The channel data to identify a contact", "$ref": "channelData" }, "contact": { "type": "ContactInput", "description": "The values to set on the new or updated contact", "$ref": "ContactInput" } } }, "ContactUpsertSpecification": { "properties": { "lookupKeyFields": { "type": "Array", "required": true, "description": "A Custom Field/Value pair or Channel/Value pair to match a Contact by", "items": { "$ref": "LookupKeyFields" } }, "contact": { "type": "ContactInput", "description": "The values to set on the new or updated contact", "$ref": "ContactInput" } } }, "establishIdentitySpecification": { "properties": { "identity": { "type": "identity", "required": true, "description": "Identity database column", "$ref": "identity" }, "useCrmContactAsWinner": { "type": "Boolean", "description": "In case true, the contact where CRM SYNC_ID is different from null will be used as the winner." }, "mergeEvents": { "type": "Boolean", "description": "In case false, the UB, lead scoring, and email events for the contacts are not merged." } } }, "emptyBody": { "properties": { } }, "Contact": { "properties": { "email": { "type": "String", "description": "A Contact's email address" }, "emailType": { "type": "String", "description": "The type of email to send to a contact- HTML or TEXT" }, "leadSource": { "type": "String", "description": "The lead source for a Contact" }, "optInDetails": { "type": "String", "description": "The Opt In Details of a Contact; can only be set on a Contact being added!" }, "customFields": { "type": "Array", "description": "A list of Custom Field Values", "items": { "$ref": "customFieldSchema" } } } }, "ContactInput": { "properties": { "email": { "type": "String", "description": "A Contact's email address" }, "emailType": { "type": "String", "description": "The type of email to send to a contact- HTML or TEXT" }, "leadSource": { "type": "String", "description": "The lead source for a Contact" }, "optInDetails": { "type": "String", "description": "The Opt In Details of a Contact; can only be set on a Contact being added!" }, "customFields": { "type": "Array", "description": "A list of Custom Field Values", "items": { "$ref": "customFieldSchema" } }, "visitorKey": { "type": "String", "description": "The web visitor identifier; can be used to associate anonymous web tracking behaviors to a known Contact." } } }, "LookupKeyFields": { "properties": { "channel": { "type": "string", "required": true, "description": "The name of the Channel, valid request using Channel is channel, value pair
OR" }, "name": { "type": "string", "required": true, "description": "The name of the Database Custom Field, valid request using a Database Custom Field is name, value pair
AND" }, "value": { "type": "string", "required": true, "description": "The Database Custom Field's value, use with either channel or name to make a valid request" } } }, "DatabaseEventTypeMapping": { "required": [ "eventType" ], "properties": { "eventType": { "type": "EventTypeDescriptor", "description": "The mapped Event Type", "$ref": "EventTypeDescriptor" } } }, "EventTypeDescriptor": { "required": [ "name", "uri", "code" ], "properties": { "name": { "type": "String", "description": "The Event Type's name" }, "uri": { "type": "String", "description": "The Event Type's URI" }, "code": { "type": "String", "description": "The Event Type's code" } } }, "consentData": { "properties": { "status": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "Opt in status. Acceptable values are 'OPTED-IN' and 'OPTED-OUT'." }, "consentDate": { "type": "Date", "description": "Optional timestamp represented in a String (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)" }, "consentSource": { "type": "String", "description": "The source" } } }, "consentDataWithAttributes": { "properties": { "status": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "Opt in status. Acceptable values are 'OPTED-IN' and 'OPTED-OUT'." }, "attributes": { "type": "attributes", "description": "Attributes for the contact: only timezoneId supported so far.", "$ref": "channelData" } } }, "channelData": { "properties": { "channelType": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "SMS or Push" }, "qualifier": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "Text to Join Program ID for SMS; AppKey for Push" }, "destination": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "SMS phone number for SMS; Mobile User ID|Mobile Channel ID for Push" }, "status": { "type": "String", "description": "Opt in status. Acceptable values are 'OPTED-IN' and 'OPTED-OUT'." }, "consentDate": { "type": "Date", "description": "Optional timestamp represented in a String (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)." }, "consentSource": { "type": "String", "description": "The source" }, "attributes": { "type": "attributes", "description": "Attributes for the contact such as timezoneId, carrier, etc..", "$ref": "channelData" } } }, "identity": { "properties": { "name": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "name of the identity column." }, "value": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "value of the identity column." } } }, "customFieldSchema": { "properties": { "name": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "name of the custom field." }, "value": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "value of the custom field." } } }, "lookupKey": { "properties": { "databaseId": { "type": "int", "required": true, "description": "The id of the database" }, "field": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "The name of the lookup key field" }, "status": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "The status of the lookup key: ACTIVE or CREATE_PENDING" } } }, "lookupKeys": { "properties": { "lookupKeys": { "type": "Array", "required": true, "description": "An array of lookup key fields for the database", "items": { "$ref": "lookupKey" } } } }, "ContactMessage": { "properties": { "messageName": { "type": "String", "description": "Name of the message sent to contact" }, "sentDate": { "type": "Date", "description": "Date on which the message was sent" }, "channel": { "type": "String", "description": "Message Channel, like SMS or EMAIL" } } }, "attributes": { "properties": { "timezoneId": { "type": "String", "description": "ID of the timezone" } } }, "ContactId": { "required": [ "id" ], "properties": { "id": { "type": "long", "description": "ID of the contact" } } }, "WinnerIdentity": { "properties": { "winnerRecipientId": { "type": "long", "required": true, "description": "The Recipient ID of the record used as base during the merge" }, "winnerChannelIdentifier": { "type": "string", "required": true, "description": "The channel identifier of the record used as base during the merge. Can be the the Mobile User Id for Push, or the SMS Phone Number for SMS." } } }, "ContactInfo": { "properties": { "id": { "type": "long", "required": true, "description": "Id of the contact created or updated. Returns -1 when contact creation is delayed" }, "location": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "URL to retrieve the contact information" } } }, "GdprJobSubmissionResult": { "properties": { "id": { "type": "long", "required": true, "description": "Id of the GDPR job created." }, "location": { "type": "String", "required": true, "description": "URL to monitor the GDPR job status" } } } } }